Kelowna Junk Removal UPcycling – 6 Simple Garden Tips You Need To Know For Your Garden!

Saw this article on a friends page and couldn’t resist sharing. Fantastic tips and tricks to upcycle items – I GUARANTEE you have in your house – and make your garden amazing! source: There are always tons of gardening tips and old wives tails that people are spreading all over the internet. We have highlighted […]
More than Just Junk Removal Kelowna! From homeless to homed, Thanks to YOU!!

Today my heart is full. We were able to take one person off the street and GIVE THEM A HOME – a place they can call their own! I feel so blessed in my life and feel it is always important to give if and where you can. After so many donations received through our […]
Kelowna Junk Removal – A Spring Cleaning Workout – Let’s Get Fit!
Warmer weather always seems to ignite a desire to get healthier and fit while shedding some of the unwanted winter weight I seemed to have found over the cooler months… Maybe it’s because my favorite jeans aren’t quite fitting how they once were.. or trying to imagine myself in bathing suit playing with the kids […]
Kelowna Junk Removal – Looking to Sell? Check Out Our 10 Secrets to Selling Your Home FAST!

Spring always seems to provoke alot of movement.. Almost like the slight warmth and reappearance of the sun makes us want to redecorate, re-clean or re-locate. If you’re looking for the latter part, don’t miss our 10 Secrets to Selling your Home… It might just get you up and on your way just a little […]