Kelowna Junk Removal – Looking to Sell? Check Out Our 10 Secrets to Selling Your Home FAST!

Spring always seems to provoke alot of movement.. Almost like the slight warmth and reappearance of the sun makes us want to redecorate, re-clean or re-locate. If you’re looking for the latter part, don’t miss our 10 Secrets to Selling your Home… It might just get you up and on your way just a little […]
Kelowna Junk Removal – Time for a litte Spring Cleaning?

It can be tough to gather everything you need gone around your house and bedroom when it’s time for Spring cleaning. Most people have unwanted junk hidden away in closets, basements or even the garage. Some people let themselves stress out around this time of the year because they don’t know what to keep […]
Kelowna Junk & Recycling – The Reincarnation of a Milk Jug: How plastic becomes building material

We chat concerning the relevance of reusing plastic bottles and bags, yet it’s usually in quite basic terms. If we claim that last year we reused over 7,000 kg of plastic jugs, containers, and bags, it’s an excellent number but kind of … abstract. So in an effort to get even more concrete concerning where […]