Kelowna Junk Removal – Got Pallets? 101 Uses for Your Old Pallets

Spring has definitely sprung here is the sunny Okanagan Valley… And all this beautiful sunshine has me thinking about Spring Cleaning and Redecorating while bringing out the inner Do-It-Yourselfer in me. While on Pinterest this weekend I came across some A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ideas I definitely want to try. Here’s just a few ideas I thought I’d […]
Kelowna Junk Removal Helps Recycle for Charity: Save your junk, save the world

“If everyone on the earth lived like the average Canadian, we would need at least four planets to sustain our lifestyles and provide all the materials and energy we currently use” It’s a sobering thought. Even as we improve the lives of those we share this planet with, we take more away from the […]
Kelowna Junk & Bin Rentals – 5 GOOD Reasons You Should Choose Dump It! 365 over the ‘Other Guys’

So you may think choosing a good junk removal company is really just a matter of dollars and cents… And in most cases, you’re probably right, but we believe that’s not the only reason you should choose us. Here’s 5 GOOD Reasons You Should Choose Dump It! 365 over the ‘Other Guys’; 1. We […]
Kelowna Junk & Recycling – The Reincarnation of a Milk Jug: How plastic becomes building material

We chat concerning the relevance of reusing plastic bottles and bags, yet it’s usually in quite basic terms. If we claim that last year we reused over 7,000 kg of plastic jugs, containers, and bags, it’s an excellent number but kind of … abstract. So in an effort to get even more concrete concerning where […]